To those who have used this site for help and come back many times; I say welcome back! I hope you find this site useful because that is what it is here help people. For those of you who are brand new to this blog I say "Welcome" and it's great to have you here!
For those of you who do not know my circumstances, you can read my story in the "About Me" link to your right! It gives a very brief description of my circumstances.
Let me say that panic attacks and anxiety attacks are not fun! they can be very debilitating and worse they can really stop you from living your life affecting not only yourself but others who are in your life.
If you are a sufferer of this horrible disorder; we most certainly would like to hear your story and comments so please feel free to do so in the comment section after each article that is written. Perhaps you know of your own techniques that are not listed that people could benefit from. If so, we would like to hear from you. I'm also going to be installing a contact me button on this tool bar that you see but until I do you can just leave suggestions in comments.
If you do self help and how to (programs) I have to tell you that the best out there that I have tried is "Panic Away" you can get it as a download or you can just order the program and have it sent to you. Whichever is easiest. Panic and Anxiety just doesn't go away forever and there are really no permanent cures but you can treat it and live a normal life.
If you are interested in the program "Panic Away" you can click on the banner at the top of the screen or on any of the links through out the site. You can most certainly listen to the movie beforehand and I advise that you do so but if your in a hurry at any time you could just click the cart button.
In any case, PLEASE get help! Whatever program, or methods you decide to do, please do it! You absolutely do NOT have to suffer from anxiety.
Perhaps it's time to learn about yourself and find the answers within and to have some positive encouragement and inspiration in your life.
Free Personality Quiz
How well do you know yourself? What is your next growth step?
Have a Blessed Day!
When I was younger, I used to have panic attacks. They are so frightening; it feels as if you are dying. Thanks for this resource and hopefully others can be helped.