Time and stress are linked. High stress is the result of feeling out of control when it comes to handling time. Once you know how to handle time better, stress becomes more manageable. There are techniques that can help.
Stress is linked to time management. High stress leads to a high level of wasted time. Stress leads to illness and illness wastes time. Managing time better will lead to less stress.
Get the Right Perspective - If you're not doing those things that are most important to you, you're not using your time wisely. Priorities mean doing first things first. Trying to satisfy the wants of others only adds to your existing stress levels. It's natural to do the jobs someone asks you to do on occasion, but you cannot live their lives for them. Learn to say no when you have more important tasks. Better time management also requires you to take care of your health. Getting enough sleep, eating the foods that enhance your energy levels are good habits that translate to more accomplishment.
Get Organized - Creating a daily to-do list helps prevent the stress caused by unorganized activity. Your schedule must center around your priorities, not someone else. Learn to delegate those jobs that are time wasters. If you have problems with organizing your time, get a day planner or a software program where you can schedule all your tasks in the order of importance. Typically people feel overwhelmed with too much to do. In fact they don't have an organized plan. They tackle the easy assignments first leaving the most important ones for later. Often they find themselves in a panic situation trying desperately to meet a deadline. To avoid getting stressed, the best policy is to do those hard assignments first. A good policy is to chuck time, allotting a certain amount of time for every assignment.
Manage Money Wisely - Whether at home or at work, money is an important commodity. Money is a major contributor to the level of stress of everyone in a household or in business. Time and money are related. How you handle both determines your stress level. Budgeting is important to keep finances in order and keep peace of mind. Worries about money often leads to wasted time. A good budget allows for leverage of both money and time availability.
Stay Positive - Know Your Skills. Today's negative world makes it difficult to remain positive. The world is filled with resentment, anger and greed. Staying positive eliminates the time spent in worry, fear, doubt and anger. No matter what the problems you may face, there are methods to overcome them. Depression doesn't help to solve problems through creative means. Successful people are often happy people, not because they have more money or fewer problems but they have learned to accept themselves for who they are. They know their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. You need to know your limitations. You can't be all things to all people and you can't carry the world on your shoulders.
There are only 24 hours in a day. Learning how to use your time effectively means less stress so you can get more done more efficiently and faster.
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