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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do You Block Out Signs of Stress?

No one likes to admit they’re on the verge of losing it. We let the daily stress in our lives build and build until we’re fuming inside. Sometimes that anger and hostility works it way out, but for many, it remains hidden away inside, damaging your psyche and your physical health. For many, it can cause or worsen anxiety while driving.

If you’re one of the ones who bottle up your stress, it’s important that you know how it’s really affecting you when you drive. You’re not doing yourself any favors tucking it neatly away to be dealt with at a more convenient time.

Men and women with this type of problem handling stress ignore the signs of what stress is doing to them. They pretend like everything’s okay and don’t connect the fact that their backache, headaches, and driving phobia are a result of putting their stress issues on the backburner.

Women usually do this more than men. In a society where women provide most of the nurturing to the family, they’re busy meeting everyone else’s needs and don’t have time (or energy) to focus on their own personal situation.

In fact, you may not even know that you’re stressed at all – you simply assume this is how life is supposed to be and you accept it as a fact. You can’t and don’t relax because you don’t even know that another state of mind exists.

The problem arises when that stress gets to a point where the person can’t handle it anymore. Suddenly, they’re burned out – suffering anxiety in the car and succumbing to depression without realizing why it’s all unfolding that way.

When the symptoms begin appearing, it means you’re bordering on more severe problems, like high blood pressure and possibly even a heart attack if you don’t address the stress in your life and find ways to alleviate it.

Unfortunately, for someone who doesn’t know that stress is the root of their problems with driving, it’s more difficult for them to know how to tame the stress in their lives. They first have to get back in touch with their emotions.

Instead of getting mad but keeping it to yourself, you need to release it in small amounts so that you don’t allow the damage of stress to infiltrate your body and mind. If you feel overwhelmed, shed some tears.

It’s okay to cry and get angry or express your anxiety to someone you love. You’re not a robot – you’re a human who needs an outlet for your stress. If you have no one to turn to, turn to yourself! Journal your emotions at the end of each day and leave your stress in the pages of your diary so it doesn’t come back to haunt you with your health or on the road.

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Monday, May 16, 2011

The New Remedy For Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Subliminal MP3s - The New Remedy For Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Imagine a situation which is a common trigger to your panic attacks - maybe this is the thought of being in a very busy and lively social enviroment full of people you don't know. You will have worry and anxiety attached to just the thought of being in this situation, you'll envision yourself panicing, you will be able to visualize yourself within this situation you may even feel just a little of the worry you would feel in the real situation...

However if you're able to imagine someone who doesn't have problems with anxiety attacks and in-fact loves these exact same types of situations. Maybe these people really like socialising, they enjoy meeting new people, they see the challenge whenever under stress, and they enjoy being the centre of attention.

It is pretty easy to see that this difference in mind-set toward the same sort of situations will have a very different end result regarding your reaction and if you will experience anxiety or have a panic attack or enjoy the situation.

The Power Of Subliminal Audio

This is when subliminal audio can be useful. They aim to sculpt your mind to work in the same way as these kinds of people who don't have any such panic problems. Once you are able to think positively, and share exactly the same optimistic thought patterns as them then you too are going to be cured of your anxiety and panic attacks.

Subliminal audio is rising in reputation merely because of it's capability to effortlessly get into your mind. Hypnosis used to be one technique of choice for panic victims, however now more and more individuals are turning to subliminal messaging. This is for a couple of principal reasons:

  • You don't have to go into a hypnotic trance. You simply listen to the cd while you go about your regular day and steadily the subliminals will grow inside your subconscious mind to change your feelings and patterns of thinking.
  • You can use the album as and when you need to for example when you feel the initial signs of panic and anxiety you can play the download and use it to calm yourself down straight away.

Over time, after using thealbum for a number of weeks or so you ought to observe an actual change in your levels of anxiety and instances of panic attacks and feel much more self-assured, eventually even treating your anxiety attacks completely - all naturally, from within.

Start today with subliminal audio with the anxiety disorder treatment album or their highly rated panic attacks album made by the leaders in subliminal messaging.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

Author: fixstresscro

Anxiety are generally defined as emotions which are typically negative in nature. It'll typically consist of fear and worry, and some organisms may even experience physical signs such as nausea or chest pains. Anxiety is often a complicated emotion, and is composed of numerous numerous elments. Some of these elements are somatic or cognitive, and also the body will prepare itself to deal with an external threat. The heart rate speeds up, as well as the blood pressure is increased. The various muscles while in the system will also receive elevated levels of blood. At the same time, the functions of the digestive system will slow down.

People who have anxiety will commonly have a sense of dread. Several voluntary and involuntary processes will take place in the physique, plus the objective of these processes is to get the organism away from the source that may be causing it to possess anxiety. Anxiety is an very important emotion, and is designed to increase the survival rate of organisms. In humans it appears that anxiety comes from the hippocampus and amygdala, two regions from the brain. When an individual senses bad odors or tastes, there will be a large amount of blood flow which will probably be present inside the amygdala. The evidence also shows that medium levels of anxiety might be present in this situation as well.

Based on these studies, it appears that anxiety is designed to hold humans and other organisms from eating food or objects that may be harmful to their well being. Although anxiety is normal, somebody that has excessive amounts of it may have what is called an anxiety disorder. In extreme cases, people with anxiety disorders may have strong circumstances when these are terrorized. Anxiety disorders are broken down into phobias, panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, and obsessive compulsive disorders. A person who is suffering from a phobia will have an abnormal amount of fear of a precise object or situation. People who have phobias usually have extensive imaginations, and realize that their fear is often irrational.

When a person suffers from a panic disorder, they'll have extreme panic attacks, and may have dizziness or breathing problems. These attacks will typically accomplish their height in about 10 minutes. Generalized anxiety disorders are frequent, and effect a very much larger portion with the population. Its prevalent in both men and woman, and is characterized by long periods of anxiety that are not related to any precise object or situation. Using the obsessive compulsive disorder, the individual with have an obsession or compulsion when it comes to certain forms of behavior. People who suffer from this disorder will see the need to do anything obsessively in order to lessen their anxiety.

Lots of people who have this disorder have to be very clean, and are afraid of germs. To lessen their anxiety, they'll wash their hands numerous periods in the single evening. There are two key methods which have been used to help those that are suffering from anxiety, and this is either therapy or prescription medicaitons.

Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1382094_17.html

To Get Help With Your Anxiety Please visit This site

How To Crush Fear Forever

How to Crush Fear Forever

Author: Brian Carson

It happens all too many times doesn't it? You set a goal, a target you wish to reach. In order to hit this target, you have to step outside your comfort zone and do something that you've never done. What happens when you go to make the attempt?

Well, nine times out of ten it never gets done. As soon as you convince yourself to try, resistance shows up in the form of fear, which leads to doubt and in turn leads to giving up or never attempting to reach your goal.

If that's your story, don't be upset. The statistics are true. Only 10 percent of the population keeps on keeping on. Only 10 percent fight the fear and reach their destination. The good news is if you're not in the 10-percent club, you can get there. You can crush fear, resistance and march on to a successful life.

How? By realizing once and for all that fear is learned. It's a product of the mind and whatever is held in mind can be reprogrammed and changed. We are born with only one fear at child birth - loud noises. Any other fears we've picked up have been developed by a lack of understanding, our self-talk and what others have said to us that we've incorporated into our minds as truth.

FEAR is an acronym for 'False Evidence Appearing Real.' It doesn't exist accept in our own minds. And since we have control of only one thing in life - our thoughts. Fear can be wiped out by changing our thoughts.

The most successful people, no matter what their calling, had fears to overcome. All of us have fears and doubts. But it doesn't have to be that way. Human beings are giants who choose to live like amoebas. The successful, influential and history-making individuals are the ones who crushed their fears and jumped out on the path to attainment.

How to Crush Fear

Success leaves clues. And the way to banish fear is the way all achievers have done. By facing the fear and moving forward anyway. Emerson once said, "do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain." Truer words were never spoken.

Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain. Face it, stare it down and it will shrink like a coward. Truthfully speaking, fears may never leave us but we can overcome them and in doing that - we diminish their hold and power over us.

Two keys to help in this battle are visualization and affirmation. Both principles are very effective in fighting fear and his twin brother, doubt.

If there is a goal you want to reach or a phobia (fear of snakes, heights, etc.) that needs to be banished - visualize the end result. See yourself overcoming the fear (phobia) and reaching the goal. If you do this enough and on a regular basis - results will show up in your life.

My personal favorite is affirmation. And the best is a simple three-word phrase that I've used every time I suffer fear and doubt going after my goals. That simple phrase is: Do It Now!

Trust me on this. I read 'Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude,' by W. Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill many, many years ago and that's where I learned the do it now technique. It works 100 percent of the time - if you try it.

Write the words in big block letters on an index card and keep them with you always. When you're going for your goals and fear and doubt show up, say over and over and over: Do it Now! Do It Now! You'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish. I guarantee it.

Fear is a learned response. Don't let it keep you from achieving your dreams. Use visualization and affirmations to change your belief system and crush fear forever. Demand the impossible, dream your destiny and go after your goals with a fearless heart.


Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_58393_24.html

About the Author: Brian Carson is a writer, Internet marketer and a success and self-improvement coach. He has created a new website that gives advice on success philosophy, resume creation and cover letter tips for job seekers/career changers. Visit his site at: http://www.writepowerfulresumes.com/center/index.html or to read more great articles go to http://fourpillarsofsuccess.blogspot.com/

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Anxiety Attacks - Are You Suffering?

Anxiety Attacks - Are You Suffering From Cumulative Stress?
by: Bertil Hjert

Stress can be a major contributor to an anxiety or panic condition or the trigger that will start anxiety disorders. For many people who have personalities that are predisposed to anxiety, stressful events or the accumulation of stressful events over a relatively short period of time can lead to anxiety symptoms.

As our economy becomes increasingly perilous, more and more people are struggling with anxiety. You are not alone! Millions of Americans are grappling with panic attacks, extreme anxiety and the negative effects of these conditions. The symptoms can be frightening and contribute to depression and more trouble with your job or family.

To determine whether your stress load has become too much, think back over the past year or two of your life. Think about the events or changes in your life that may have contributed to your stress level. Individual events or changes may not have been overwhelming by themselves but when they are coupled with other events, the cumulative effect may be major.

Here are some events that are high stress, medium stress and low stress:


• Death of spouse or child
• Divorce
• Marital / child separation
• Jail
• Victim of a violent attack or sexual assault
• Death in the family
• Major medical problems
• Marriage (a happy event but also one that brings about a lot of changes and stress)
• Losing a job


• Problems in Your Marriage
• Retirement
• Family members or close friends with health problems
• Pregnancy
• Sexual dysfunction
• New addition to the family (baby, adoption etc.)
• Death of a friend
• Financial difficulties
• Changing jobs
• Foreclosure or acquiring new debt such as a mortgage
• Child going to college
• Problems with family members or in-laws
• A change in living situation (location, type of residence etc.)


• Problems with boss
• Change in working hours or job responsibilities
• Changing schools
• Changing social activities or friends
• Starting or finishing school
• Trouble sleeping
• Gaining weight
• Vacations and Holidays
• Minor legal problems such as misdemeanors, speeding tickets etc.

If you have experienced 2 or 3 high stress events over the past couple of years you are probably dealing with an anxiety problem.

Most people will have problems coping with that many negative events and will likely see their stress manifested in an anxiety condition. If you have experienced one high stress event and multiple medium or low stress events you may also have a significant and detrimental problem with anxiety. You could also be struggling if you experienced a high number of medium or low stress events in succession.

When you experience these problems back to back, your mind and body don´t have a chance to recover before they have to go into overdrive to deal with the next problem. Recovering from the loss of a spouse, child or loved one can be a long process and any added or additional problems may simply be too overwhelming and trigger panic attacks even in people who never previously struggled with anxiety.

If you take a moment to consider, it is easy to see why anxiety problems and panic attacks are such an increasing problem in today´s world. The level of stress that must be managed on a daily basis seems to grow with each passing day. It´s important to consider what you have been through over the past couple of years and whether that is contributing to your current unrest.

For many people, finding an outlet where you are free from worry is a great way to find some respite from the stress. Find time in your day to do something you enjoy. Do you have a hobby you enjoy or an interest you would like to pursue but you haven´t devoted sufficient time to it?

Stop waiting and start finding the time to enjoy your garden, a game of softball with friends, your bowling league or walking on nature trails. There are so many ways to find avenues of enjoyment and spend time with friends and loved ones. You need this time to recover from the stress of daily life and build up reservoirs of strength to deal with new challenges.

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