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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Vitamins For Stress

Vitamins For Stress   by William Wetere

Stress and Its Management Using Vitamins for Stress
Stress is a normal part of life. In fact, everyone gets their daily dose of stressâ€"not just in the same levels. Stressful situations are often though of as negative experiences; however, stress can have positive effects. Stress in small doses can helpful; it can make a person stay alert and focus on the things that need to be done. Stress only becomes a problem when it is too much that it affects your daily activities.
Stress, in general, can be caused by a number of factorsâ€"both internal and external. External factors are the ones that involve your physical environment such as your job, your relationships, and other situations, difficulties, expectation, and challenges that are experienced on a day-to-day basis. Internal factors, meanwhile, involves your ability to handle stress-inducing situations. Factors which could influence your ability to deal with stress include emotional, physical, and mental health. A person who leads a healthy-balanced lifestyle is less likely to get stressed out.
Everyone is equipped with a defense mechanism which helps in dealing with stress. However, such mechanisms can break down if a person is exposed to plenty of stressful situations. Excessive stress can affect a person to the point that emotional and behavioral symptoms show up. In some cases, physical symptoms are also experienced.
Physical symptoms of stress include difficulty in sleeping, muscle pain & tension, headache, fatigue, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Behavioral and emotional symptoms, meanwhile, include dietary changes (either overeating or loss of appetite), anxiety, and nervousness, loss of energy, mood swings, irritability, and sometimes, depression. A person who is stressed out is more likely to engage in unhealthy habits such as alcohol abuse, use of illegal drugs, and cigarette smoking. He/she is also prone to making unhealthy food choices. Such unhealthy habits can often aggravate the symptoms which are associated with stress, thus leading to a cycle of harmful actions and stress symptoms.
Stress, if left alone, can be very disabling. It can cause negative effects on your work and home environment. Once the harmful effects of stress set in, it is best to take immediate action. The sooner that stress is managed; the sooner you can get back to your normal state.
There are a number of ways to manage stress and the first step is to know what causes it. The moment the cause of stress is figured out, get away from the situation or address it. Sometimes, getting away from the stress-inducing situation is all that is needed to reduce the anxiety and nervousness.
If you think you can not address or get away from what stresses you, you might want to find another way to deal with the stress. One of the recommended ways to manage stress is to use vitamins for stress. Experts agree that getting plenty of minerals and vitamins for stress can help the body combat stress.
Vitamin E is one of the vitamins needed to fight stress. It is a powerful antioxidant and works in conjunction with selenium and vitamin C to boost the immune system. Since the immune system is most likely to be compromised when one is stressed out, you need to take in plenty of vitamin E-rich foods. The lack of vitamin E while you are stressed out can also result to cardiovascular, nervous, and muscular system damages.
Another of the important vitamins for stress is vitamin C. Free radicals are very active during stressful moments. This is because vitamin C stores are depleted when you are stressed; this leaves the free radicals free to destroy the components of a healthy cell including its membrane, DNA, and RNA. Because of this, you need to include vitamin C sources in your diet.
Vitamin A is also one of the vitamins for stress. Your adrenal gland functions are at their lowest when you are stressed. In order to get it back to its normal status, you need to take in plenty of vitamin A.
Vitamins from the B-complex are also needed when you are stressed out. These vitamins are essential in the proper functioning of your central nervous system. Since stress can cause “stress” to your CNS, you need to get enough of these vitamins.
Aside from the mentioned vitamins for stress, you also need to get minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc. Since these minerals are also depleted during bouts of stress, you need to replenish their stores in your body as well. In the right levels, these minerals also boost the body’s systems and help it fight the symptoms associated with stress.

***Always check with your doctor before taking any kind of vitamin or supplement ****

Is Stress Likely to You in the Next 5 Years?   by Mulkurnia

The term stress does not invoke the same fear as the word cancer, maybe because it gets thrown around so often and hence taken lightly. The truth is that the effect of stress is worse than you think, stress can actually be fatal.
Commonly labeled as the wear and tear, stress does not just affect your peace of mind but also reduces the functioning of your brain and your body system over a period of time. Studies have shown that people who suffered from chronic stress had started to sensitize towards the aspect of stress and ancillary feelings of depression and despair that often walks hand in hand with stress.
Short term psychological effects are often marked by:
• bouts of forgetfulness
• acute depression
• helplessness
• mood swings
• resentment
• panic attacks
• cynicism

When one or all of these factors are bottled up inside, it could lead to various mental and behavioral problems such as panic, anxiety and acute stress disorders.
Chronic stress in children is worse as that leads to years of pent up dangerous emotions that later manifests in the form of psychological disorders. Stress puts a pressure on the brain and this pressure in excess can start to weaken the functioning to a point where one loses complete control over their internal activities.
Physiologically, being stressed out causes certain changes in the body like speeding up of the heart rate, increasing the flow of adrenaline in the body and contracting of the blood vessels. These changes have a profound effect on your body and immune system, leading to the following health conditions:
• Ulcerative colitis (a type of inflammatory bowel disease)
• High blood pressure
• Stroke
• Eczema (as the result of stress affecting the immune system)
• Irregular menstruation and problems in conceiving
• Muscular aches

Physiological and psychological effects are mainly the consequence of the stress acting in an adverse manner on the brain and mind. However, the direct implication stress has is mainly on behaviorally disorders.
In a survey conducted on alcoholics, 97% of them confessed to embracing alcohol in order to escape stressful circumstances. Not just alcohol, people who are stressed turn towards excess smoking or substance abuse. Stress also leads to various eating conditions and people start to either overeat or skip meals leading to anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating, and when coupled with insomnia, stress can cause evening polyphagia and night eating syndrome.
The good news however is that being stressed out does NOT mean that you are bound to suffer from all these conditions mentioned, it merely means that you are more likely. Now that you know the adverse effects that stress garners, you must ensure to take proper steps to deal with stress in a positive manner.
Yoga and meditation are two potent preventive measures that equip you to handle stress better and there are also a number of therapies that you can undertake to come out of a state of stress.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to Handle Stress Through Time management

Time and stress are linked. High stress is the result of feeling out of control when it comes to handling time. Once you know how to handle time better, stress becomes more manageable. There are techniques that can help.

Stress is linked to time management. High stress leads to a high level of wasted time. Stress leads to illness and illness wastes time. Managing time better will lead to less stress.

Get the Right Perspective - If you're not doing those things that are most important to you, you're not using your time wisely. Priorities mean doing first things first. Trying to satisfy the wants of others only adds to your existing stress levels. It's natural to do the jobs someone asks you to do on occasion, but you cannot live their lives for them. Learn to say no when you have more important tasks. Better time management also requires you to take care of your health. Getting enough sleep, eating the foods that enhance your energy levels are good habits that translate to more accomplishment.

Get Organized - Creating a daily to-do list helps prevent the stress caused by unorganized activity. Your schedule must center around your priorities, not someone else. Learn to delegate those jobs that are time wasters. If you have problems with organizing your time, get a day planner or a software program where you can schedule all your tasks in the order of importance. Typically people feel overwhelmed with too much to do. In fact they don't have an organized plan. They tackle the easy assignments first leaving the most important ones for later. Often they find themselves in a panic situation trying desperately to meet a deadline. To avoid getting stressed, the best policy is to do those hard assignments first. A good policy is to chuck time, allotting a certain amount of time for every assignment.

Manage Money Wisely - Whether at home or at work, money is an important commodity. Money is a major contributor to the level of stress of everyone in a household or in business. Time and money are related. How you handle both determines your stress level. Budgeting is important to keep finances in order and keep peace of mind. Worries about money often leads to wasted time. A good budget allows for leverage of both money and time availability.

Stay Positive - Know Your Skills. Today's negative world makes it difficult to remain positive. The world is filled with resentment, anger and greed. Staying positive eliminates the time spent in worry, fear, doubt and anger. No matter what the problems you may face, there are methods to overcome them. Depression doesn't help to solve problems through creative means. Successful people are often happy people, not because they have more money or fewer problems but they have learned to accept themselves for who they are. They know their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. You need to know your limitations. You can't be all things to all people and you can't carry the world on your shoulders.

There are only 24 hours in a day. Learning how to use your time effectively means less stress so you can get more done more efficiently and faster.


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Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Enemy Of Our Imagination

People who experience panic attacks will often say that they feel out of control as soon as the panic is in full swing. Christian Nevell Bovee once wrote: “Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.” Doesn’t that sum it up well? A confident self assured person can suddenly feel powerless and vulnerable as soon as the panic manifests. As the bodily sensations race, the mind jumps from logic and reason to wild fears fueled by the imagination. The hardest part for most people to get their heads around is why they feel so suddenly powerless during a panic attack? The automatic reaction for most to the sensations of a panic attack are to fight against it. To shut it down and end it as soon as possible. Coping techniques like deep breathing and distraction are mildly effective at best. When these techniques fail to get results, that is when the person really leaps over to ‘the enemy of their imagination’. It goes something like this: “I used all my coping techniques but I still feel very anxious, in fact it may be getting worse! “What if this keeps getting worse and no help can get to me here?” Where people run with this type of thinking their imagination will continue to escalate the fear, leaving them feeling more and more vulnerable and out of control. The secret to regain control and come back to yourself, is to learn how to respond to the panic in an appropriate manner. The solution is to work with the bodily sensations rather than against them. Let me give you a small example. If you were sitting on a train and started to feel sensations that indicated the beginning of a panic attack, instead of trying to stop the experience do the opposite. Acknowledge that you are safe, label the sensations and then tell the sensations that scare you, to get worse. If you are sweating tell your body to sweat more, if your heart is racing, tell it to race faster. Move into the experience rather than against it. The real panic only begins as soon as you hand over reason and control to your imagination. By moving into the experience voluntarily, you become the decision maker and therefore retain control. If you’re going to have a panic attack it is going to happen on your terms. You empower yourself because you are directing the whole experience not handing “over to the enemy of our imagination.” Learn more about this approach and how to apply it to various manifestations of panic and general anxiety. Click Here

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Words of Inspiration Today To Help On Your Journey

Believe that problems do have answers.
Believe that they can be overcome.
Believe that they can be handled.
And finally, believe that you can solve them.”
~ Norman Vincent Peale ~

Our greatest personal growth comes from shining light on our unconscious shadows.
Unconscious blocks (repressed emotions, inner wounds, limiting beliefs, unexpressed grief, etc.) are unseen but they seriously interfere with our satisfaction with life.

If we want to be happier and more confident, we need to reveal the unconscious shadows that are holding us back. It is only when we are conscious of our subconscious programs that we hold the power to release them.

How do we become conscious of what is now unconscious? We can use questions to unlock subconscious secrets.

Ask yourself the Smart Questions below. For each of your answers, dig deeper to uncover any limiting beliefs that keep you from growing and enjoying your life.

When I am stuck in a situation, what excuses do I make to defend myself?
What are my pet peeves, dislikes and hates? What situations evoke strong emotional reactions in me?
What stresses me?
What drains my energy?
What challenges me in life right now?
What desired results are not showing up in my life? Where are my efforts not paying off?
How do I sabotage myself?
Who and what do I blame for my problems, e.g., family members, boss or co-workers, economy, government, nature, life, God ...?
What am I afraid of?
What limits me from experiencing freedom and fulfillment in my life?
Review your answers and your insights into the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Pick one of the most problematic beliefs and set an intention to become aware whenever it shows up. Plan and implement strategies that will support you in releasing it.

This is just one of 12 new sets of questions added to the Smart Questions resources on the Higher Awareness website. Check out our Smart Questions on Best Questions to Ask Yourself, Healing, Stress Reduction, Empowerment, Life Purpose, Higher Level Thinking, Creativity, Conversation Starters and Good Interview Questions. Watch for even more resources coming soon.

Discover the power of our Smart Question series. Receiving a question, tip and quote daily creates a continuity of intention so you can experience more peace of mind and happiness.

�You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.”
~ Darwin P. Kingsley ~


Smart Questions - Question your life and discover new possibilities.

A Reminder

Daily mini Re-Treat Yourself Process � Make the most starting and reviewing every day.

Growth Tools is brought to you by John & Patrice Robson of HigherAwareness.com.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Do You Block Out Signs of Stress?

No one likes to admit they’re on the verge of losing it. We let the daily stress in our lives build and build until we’re fuming inside. Sometimes that anger and hostility works it way out, but for many, it remains hidden away inside, damaging your psyche and your physical health. For many, it can cause or worsen anxiety while driving.

If you’re one of the ones who bottle up your stress, it’s important that you know how it’s really affecting you when you drive. You’re not doing yourself any favors tucking it neatly away to be dealt with at a more convenient time.

Men and women with this type of problem handling stress ignore the signs of what stress is doing to them. They pretend like everything’s okay and don’t connect the fact that their backache, headaches, and driving phobia are a result of putting their stress issues on the backburner.

Women usually do this more than men. In a society where women provide most of the nurturing to the family, they’re busy meeting everyone else’s needs and don’t have time (or energy) to focus on their own personal situation.

In fact, you may not even know that you’re stressed at all – you simply assume this is how life is supposed to be and you accept it as a fact. You can’t and don’t relax because you don’t even know that another state of mind exists.

The problem arises when that stress gets to a point where the person can’t handle it anymore. Suddenly, they’re burned out – suffering anxiety in the car and succumbing to depression without realizing why it’s all unfolding that way.

When the symptoms begin appearing, it means you’re bordering on more severe problems, like high blood pressure and possibly even a heart attack if you don’t address the stress in your life and find ways to alleviate it.

Unfortunately, for someone who doesn’t know that stress is the root of their problems with driving, it’s more difficult for them to know how to tame the stress in their lives. They first have to get back in touch with their emotions.

Instead of getting mad but keeping it to yourself, you need to release it in small amounts so that you don’t allow the damage of stress to infiltrate your body and mind. If you feel overwhelmed, shed some tears.

It’s okay to cry and get angry or express your anxiety to someone you love. You’re not a robot – you’re a human who needs an outlet for your stress. If you have no one to turn to, turn to yourself! Journal your emotions at the end of each day and leave your stress in the pages of your diary so it doesn’t come back to haunt you with your health or on the road.

Click Here If Interested In This program

Monday, May 16, 2011

The New Remedy For Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Subliminal MP3s - The New Remedy For Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Imagine a situation which is a common trigger to your panic attacks - maybe this is the thought of being in a very busy and lively social enviroment full of people you don't know. You will have worry and anxiety attached to just the thought of being in this situation, you'll envision yourself panicing, you will be able to visualize yourself within this situation you may even feel just a little of the worry you would feel in the real situation...

However if you're able to imagine someone who doesn't have problems with anxiety attacks and in-fact loves these exact same types of situations. Maybe these people really like socialising, they enjoy meeting new people, they see the challenge whenever under stress, and they enjoy being the centre of attention.

It is pretty easy to see that this difference in mind-set toward the same sort of situations will have a very different end result regarding your reaction and if you will experience anxiety or have a panic attack or enjoy the situation.

The Power Of Subliminal Audio

This is when subliminal audio can be useful. They aim to sculpt your mind to work in the same way as these kinds of people who don't have any such panic problems. Once you are able to think positively, and share exactly the same optimistic thought patterns as them then you too are going to be cured of your anxiety and panic attacks.

Subliminal audio is rising in reputation merely because of it's capability to effortlessly get into your mind. Hypnosis used to be one technique of choice for panic victims, however now more and more individuals are turning to subliminal messaging. This is for a couple of principal reasons:

  • You don't have to go into a hypnotic trance. You simply listen to the cd while you go about your regular day and steadily the subliminals will grow inside your subconscious mind to change your feelings and patterns of thinking.
  • You can use the album as and when you need to for example when you feel the initial signs of panic and anxiety you can play the download and use it to calm yourself down straight away.

Over time, after using thealbum for a number of weeks or so you ought to observe an actual change in your levels of anxiety and instances of panic attacks and feel much more self-assured, eventually even treating your anxiety attacks completely - all naturally, from within.

Start today with subliminal audio with the anxiety disorder treatment album or their highly rated panic attacks album made by the leaders in subliminal messaging.